Breaking Chains and Empowering Africa


"Unity Unleashes Power: One Africa, One Force 

Water Walls

Umoja Wells is dedicated to transforming access to clean water in Africa. Our mission is to build....

Clothing Distribution

At Umoja Philanthropy, we believe that donations are not limited to monetary contributions....

Skills Training

Umoja stands at the forefront of unleashing Africa’s vast, yet often unrecognized talent....


In many parts of Africa, children as young as five years old are forced to work to help feed their families....


Africa faces significant challenges, particularly in housing and youth welfare. Here are some key facts....


At Umoja, our volunteers are the heart and soul of our organization. They come from diverse....

Our Mission

At Umoja, our mission transcends borders and unites us in a common purpose: to promote unity, collaboration, and empowerment among Africans and people of African descent worldwide. As a pan-African organization, we work tirelessly across different countries in Africa, prioritizing regions where our presence is most needed, to provide sustainable solutions to the challenges facing our communities...

"I am an African. I owe my being to the hills and the valleys, the mountains and the glades, the rivers, the deserts, the trees, the flowers, the seas and the ever-changing seasons that define the face of our native land

Thabo Mbeki’s

Former SA President

“We must unite now or perish… We must recognize that our economic independence resides in our African union and requires the same concentration upon the political achievement.

Kwame Nkrumah

Former Ghanaian President

“Yet all stock exchanges in the world are pre-occupied with Africa's gold, diamonds, uranium, platinum, copper and iron ore. We have been too busy nursing our separate states to understand fully the basic need of our union, rooted in common purpose, common planning and common endeavor”.

Kwame Nkrumah

Former Ghanaian President